Jewelewicz Rosen Chopper

Product number: ET0736

This instrument provides a safe and effective second instrument during chopping or divide-and-conquer phacoemulsification techniques. It offers ease of manipulation or rotation a half or quarter thanks to the elongated vertical surface. The surface facing the lens is beveled to a cutting edge to aid horizontal chopping. The chopper creates a safe environment for lens rotation with its rounded blunt surfaces on the posterior and inferior aspects of the instrument. 1.4mm tip. Overall length: 112mm.

General reprocessing instructions


Manipulators, Hooks

Units per box




    Jewelewicz Rosen Chopper

    This instrument provides a safe and effective second instrument during chopping or divide-and-conquer phacoemulsification techniques. It offers ease of manipulation or rotation a half or quarter thanks to the elongated vertical surface. The surface facing the lens is beveled to a cutting edge to aid horizontal chopping. The chopper creates a safe environment for lens rotation with its rounded blunt surfaces on the posterior and inferior aspects of the instrument. 1.4mm tip. Overall length: 112mm.

    General reprocessing instructions


    Manipulators, Hooks

    Units per box




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